Friday, May 30, 2008

What you need to know about baby pictures

Gas prices put a damp on summer travel plans - The Gazette (Montreal)

Gas prices put a damp on summer travel plans
The Gazette (Montreal), Canada - 1 hour ago
With some analysts saying gasoline could hit $1.50 a litre this summer, wage-slaves, along with captains of travel-related industries, are wondering when ...

End of Democratic White House race could be near

Fri, 30 May 2008 15:23:31 PDT
By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The end is near. Probably. After five months of voting, 16 months of campaigning and more surprises, reversals and comebacks than any U.S. political race deserves, the grueling duel...

W Rides again

Fri, 30 May 2008 07:14:53 PDT
Priceless moment of goofiness from our Commander in Chief . Whether it’s a Texas colloquialism or the mispronunciation of a word half of America can’t define, George Bush has been font of comic relief in an otherwise dismal political world.