Thursday, December 04, 2008

The current scoop about window bird feeders

Finally Canadian Politics Get's A Little Interesting??

Thu, 04 Dec 2008 13:20:21 -0800
Finally something interesting happening with politics in Canada.

Cultivate Romance and Save Marriage

Wed, 03 Dec 2008 21:40:08 -0800
People first ignore then forget romancing. And the marriage deteriorates very fast. My budget is trim and tight. I am overburdened with my day to day work. Where’s a time? Bringing up the children is not a joke.


Thu, 04 Dec 2008 08:24:04 -0800
or monstrous I whose wind blows long grass, who! whoot! jungle not Amazonian swamp, but thick green leafage surrounds, hear everything, no one knows how these massive rectangular structures were used, now birds screech in the little rooms of the buildings, fly away, long iguanas run under rock, tiny bright green and red lizards run down paths past one tiny statue, on lowish ground, on a small concrete block, two funny-monkey- hideous- dog-jaguar faces and p